Decals are Back In Stock!
We just got the decals in yesterday, so to everyone asking about them, they are in the shop now. You can apply them anywhere, and they also double as slippers if you have small feet. They are versatile and look great. Kind of like Tyra Banks.
For those wondering what in the hell a Baby-Headed Cat is, it’s real. One used to live in the yard behind the little shack in the woods where I used to live. They only come out at night, and their cry (I’m not sure if it’s a mating call or something entirely different) sounds very much like a small child’s cry combined with a cat’s meow.
It’s a pretty troubling noise, and my sleep was held hostage many a night due to the hybrid beast’s shenanigans. The only way I could get over my encounter with the Baby-Headed Cat was to share my story, with the hope that others won’t have to suffer as I have.
He looks harmless, almost sweet. And I’ve got no real proof that he’s not. The sound was just so damn creepy though.